熔剂 2017-09-08T14:10:18+00:00





Cleaning & Drossing
Product Details
AlucoFlux AL
  • For high temperature aluminum drossing-off
  • Generates some smoke
  • Can serve as a mild furnace/ladle wall cleaner
AlucoFlux GD
  • Fast-acting
  • Reduced smoke
  • For very high temperature drossing-off
  • Used for all alloys except aluminum-magnesium
  • Can serve as a mild furnace/ladle wall cleaner
AlucoFlux GD2
  • Generates little smoke
  • Ideal for all aluminum alloys, especially strontium-containing
  • Used in crucibles and reverb furnaces
  • Burning of removed dross not encouraged
AlucoFlux GD3
  • Very low smoke generation
  • Ideal for all aluminum alloys and use in crucibles and reverbs
  • Burning of removed dross not encouraged
AlucoFlux GD5
  • Low smoke generating
  • Cover and drossing-off flux suitable for reverb furnaces
  • Reduces metal oxidation and helps separation from dross
AlucoFlux DS2 Similar to GD5
AlucoFlux GRC Designed specifically for low temperature operations
For Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
AlucoFlux HS
  • Great cover for all aluminum alloys besides aluminum-magnesium
  • Specifically for aluminum-silicon alloys
  • Some sodium pickup
  • Can serve as a mild furnace wall cleaner
For Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys
AlucoFlux HM
  • Ideal for high magnesium aluminum alloys
  • No sodium
  • Used in crucibles
For Sodium-Free Reactions
AlucoFlux SF
  • Alkaline-based, exothermic cover and drossing flux
  • Acts similar to a fluoride-containing compound
  • Generates smoke
  • Ideal for all aluminum alloys, particularly silicon-aluminum
  • Used in reverb furnaces
  • Can affect aluminum modification
  • Helps control buildup
AlucoFlux SFM
  • Sodium and calcium-free
  • Mildly exothermic
  • Suitable for aluminum-magnesium alloys
  • Ideal for separating dross from metal in reverbs
  • Helps minimize oxidation of magnesium


Cleaning, Drossing, Cover
Product Details
REDUX EF40L Briquettes
  • Performs like fluorspar-based fluxes without “fluorine emissions”
  • No aggressive refractory interactions
  • Prevents slag buildup in furnaces and ladles, extends life of refractories
  • Use with charge to improve melting efficiency and metal quality
  • Great performance in electric furnaces
REDUX EF40 Bricks
  • Performs like fluorspar-based fluxes without “fluorine emissions”
  • No aggressive refractory interactions
  • Prevents slag buildup in furnaces and ladles, extends life of refractories
  • Use with charge to improve melting efficiency and metal quality
  • Great performance in electric furnaces
  • Faster-acting version of REDUX EF40L Briquettes
  • Cleans metal and prevents buildup in ladles and holding furnaces
  • Use with charge or as an addition to reduce entrained slags
  • Not harmful to refractories when used as directed
Ladle Flux #2
  • For cleaning gray and ductile iron ladles
  • Contains minimal fluorides
  • Assists with slag-free casting by lowering the melting point and viscosity of the slag and allowing it to rise to the surface for skimming
Ladle Flux 007
  • Fluoride-containing gray and ductile iron ladle flux
  • Includes some magnesium and slag coagulant for enhanced performance
Ladle Flux 008
  • Fluoride-containing ladle flux specifically for ductile iron with magnesium, rare earths and graphite
  • Can reduce magnesium ferrosilicon treatment alloys and post-inoculants


Cleaning, Drossing, Cover
Product Details
AlucoFlux YB
  • For copper-zinc alloys
  • Not for manganese-bronze alloys
  • Generates dry powder dross cover
AlucoFlux GB
  • For copper and bronze alloys
  • Keeps unit clean
  • Reduces zinc loss and fuming
  • Generates glassy dross
  • Promotes higher metal recovery
AlucoFlux PC
  • Oxidizing and degassing for copper, brass, bronze
  • Removes impurities
  • Creates oxidizing conditions that lower hydrogen levels
  • Follow with deoxidation with AlucoFlux DO or other deoxidizers
AlucoFlux DO
  • Deoxidizing flux
  • For copper-nickel, aluminum-bronze, manganese-bronze, pure coppers
  • eliminates need for inert degassing when used before pouring
  • Work into metal or add to pour
  • Performs well in induction furnace channels – removes oxide buildup
AlucoFlux SB
  • Protective cover for melting yellow brass and high-zinc alloys – prevents zinc fuming and loss
  • Absorbs non-metallic impurities so they can be skimmed off
Cleaning for Aluminum-Bronze
AlucoFlux AB
  • Ideal for gas-fired and electric induction units
  • Specifically for aluminum and manganese bronze
  • Cleans oxides and slag in furnace and crucible walls and induction channels
  • Generates fluid melting cover which collects and dissolves oxides
  • Minimizes oxidation and gas absorption
  • Eliminates wall buildup in copper alloy units
  • Degasses and reduces metal loss when worked into melt
AlucoFlux AB-2 Stronger version of AB
For Furnace Wall Cleaning
AlucoFlux FW
  • Great for cleaning reverb walls while avoiding affecting refractories
  • Melts, softens oxides and dross-metal buildup for easier scraping
  • Helps keep metal clean and enhances furnace performance
  • Not for electric glow-bar furnaces
AlucoFlux FW-11
  • Finer, economical version of FW
  • Applied with Flux guns
  • Removes oxide build-up in aluminum melting units, except electric glow-bar
  • Additionally used for dross treatment in dross buggy
AlucoFlux FWC
  • Potent and fluoride-containing for aggressive cleaning wall buildup
AlucoFlux ILD
  • Protects reverb and electric glow-bar furnace walls form oxide buildup
  • Also serves as a cover flux for preventing magnesium loss
Magnesium and Aluminum-Magnesium
AlucoFlux MG Series
  • Quick melt to form protective blanket and prevent oxidation and burning
  • Prevents and extinguishes fires
  • Oxides generated in melting will drop to crucible bottom
  • Viscosity increase over time forms good cover
  • Not for rare earth alloys
AlucoFlux MG-1
  • Cover and cleaning flux for magnesium alloys
  • Fluid cover (must have ¼” +)
  • Prevents and extinguishes magnesium fires
AlucoFlux MG-5 Barium-free version of MG-1
AlucoFlux MG-8 Develops a thicker and heavier cover than MG-1
Zinc, Lead, Tin, Antimony
AlucoFlux ZN-2
  • Drossing and cleaning for low temperature alloys
  • Develops light, powdery dross that is low in metallic and can easily be skimmed
  • Fast-acting, exothermic zinc drossing
  • Moderate smoke evolution
  • Recommended use with power mixers
  • For situations desiring fast-acting, red-hot dross
AlucoFlux GFP
  • Meets non-fuming requirements
  • Low-smoke
  • Used in pre-fluxing bath
AlucoFlux GFL
  • Meets non-fuming requirements
  • Generates a fluid, liquid blanket and recovers quickly after dipping

